I was first introduced to cue sports when I was 8 years old. My Grandma Shull surprised my twin brother Bob and me with a brand-new Valley Bumper Pool Table for Christmas.
I was mesmerized by the rolling bright red and white balls, the sounds they made when you made a swish dead center in the hole which then disappeared into the hole. I then moved
to pocket billiards, but remain intrigued
After years of playing in sanctioned pool leagues, other players began asking me for pointers. This eventually turned into asking for lessons.
I quickly learned that playing at a high level and providing billiard instruction at a high level are two different areas of expertise. That is when I decided to go to school and become a professional Billiard Instructor and share the game I love by offering pool lessons to others.
August of 2017
Cue U – The College of Pool and Billiards in Rockford, Illinois.
I took lessons from PBIA Master Instructors Bob and Linda Radford an became a PBIA Recognized Instructor.
December 2018
Ohio Pool school in Toledo, Ohio
I learned from Master PBIA Instructor Denny Stewart. I received my training and became a PBIA Level 2 Certified Instructor.
July 2019
American CueSports, Green Bay, Wisconsin.
I also qualified for a Professional Level 2 Instructor/ Coach.
June 2021
PBIA Advanced Instructor
John Harlach Master Instructor.
September 2023
American Cue Sports Alliance
National Referee
Professional Billiard Instructor Association (PBIA) level 3 Advanced Instructor
Member of the PBIA/SPF Family of Instructors since December 2018
2018 American CueSport (ACS)
Level 3 Instructor/Coach
Personal Stats
2 - Time MVP/Top Gun in 8 Ball
American Pool Players Association (APA)
MVP/Top Gun in 9 Ball
American Pool Players Association (APA)
Michigan Senior Olympics - First place Gold Metal 2020 and 2022.
4 - Time Harley Davidson 8 Ball Champion 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
Team Captain APA 8 and 9 Ball Division Champions multiple years
Western Michigan Juniors APA Program
Fall of 2019 will mark my 3rd year working with the Western Michigan Juniors APA Program.
One of my proudest moments as an instructor was watching several of my students qualify and compete in the 2019 APA Junior Nationals St Louis, 2019 BEF Junior Nationals held in Las Vegas
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